140 Trillion Oceans of Floating Water are Found in Space. This water is near a supermassive black hole that is about 20 billion times more massive than our Sun.

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140 Trillion Oceans of Floating Water are Found in Space:

According to the report, scientists have found a huge reservoir of water in a distant part of the universe.

It is orbiting a special type of star called a quasar, an incredible 12 billion light-years away. This reservoir of water has been travelling through space since the universe was very young.

An amazing discovery has been brought out by scientists which has shocked everyone:

This remote body of water is incredibly large, containing about 140 trillion oceans more water than all the oceans on Earth.

It is located near a supermassive black hole that is about 20 billion times more massive than our Sun.

The black Hole in Space:

According to scientists, a supermassive black hole in space is surrounded by a quasar called APM 08279+5255, which emits an amount of energy equal to one thousand trillion suns.

Astronomers say that this quasar contains the largest and most distant known reservoir of water in the entire universe.

NASA scientist Bradford said that this quasar’s special feature is its large production of water. This shows that water has been common throughout the universe since the beginning of time.

The report said quasars were first discovered more than 50 years ago when powerful telescopes spotted mysterious lights in the far reaches of space.

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Floating Water – Conclusion:

Research showed that those objects were not ordinary stars. They are incredibly bright and are found in the centres of very distant galaxies.

They are so bright that they outshine all the stars in these galaxies. At their centre are supermassive black holes, millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun.

As the gas and dust swirl around them, they become hotter and hotter, releasing more and more energy. Follow us on Facebook to get more updates.


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