Elmo is about to crack. Sure, the lovable red puppet seems like he lives a retro life on the popular children’s show Sesame Street.
Elmo lost his cool over Rocco – Sesame Street Viral Celebrity of 2022:
On Tuesday, a clip of Elmo calling out his friends on their bullshit went viral on Twitter from a 2004 episode titled,
“Elmo feels he’s treated unfairly by Rocco.”
In the viral video, Zoe tries to give Rocco — who is her pet rock — the last oatmeal raisin cookie, which Elmo wanted. And, well, my little red friend wasn’t having it.
There, he is content to live his entire life making friends and learning his ABCs. But his life has had a less obvious, dark side.
Why Elmo from Sesame Street is trending in 2022:
In the viral video, Elmo’s frustration comes to a head and he says, “How?! How is Rocco going to eat that cookie, Zoe!? Tell Elmo! Rocco doesn’t even have a mouth. Rocco’s just a rock. Rocco’s not alive!”
Don’t mess with a puppet and his cookie, I suppose. Here, watch for yourself.
Elmo has been feuding with a rock named Rocco since 1999 and the conflict is at the heart of a new viral clip of the show.
Elmo has been complaining with rock since 1999.
To Sesame Workshop, this is Episode 4077 from May 3, 2004, it feels very 2022 titled “Elmo feels he’s treated unfairly by Rocco” and written by Christine Ferraro.
What’s making us smile? That time Elmo lost his cool over Rocco:
It’s pretty funny and relatable to see Elmo totally lose his cool. which is now trending. We too have tears in our eyes from laughing. But to us, this episode could be called “We are Elmo.”
This Sesame Street episode is, of course, some kind of lesson in sharing and waiting your turn.
Zoe asks if she can join Elmo’s playdate with their friend Gabi, and brings along her rock friend, Rocco.
When Elmo wants to say the alphabet, Zoe says Rocco wants to jump. They compromise. When Elmo wants to go next on the tire swing, Zoe says no; it’s Rocco’s turn.
But when Zoe won’t let Elmo take Rocco’s oatmeal cookie (because, hey, rocks can’t eat), Elmo can’t take it anymore. “Rocco’s a rock, Zoe. Rocco won’t know the difference.”
Elmo is the first viral celebrity of 2022:
This viral video is part of an Elmo renaissance online. No seriously, Elmo is the clear viral star of the year thus far.
It went so viral that Elmo himself commented on Twitter and reaffirmed his beef with Rocco.
Don't worry everybody! Elmo and Zoe practiced sharing and are still best buds forever! Elmo loves you Zoe! Ha ha ha!
Elmo doesn't want to talk about Rocco.
— Elmo (@elmo) January 5, 2022
Why Elmo is Trending:
It’s not totally clear why Elmo is super popular online right now, especially on TikTok. As best I can tell, it started with the paper towel roll clip, which surfaced in mid-December of last year.
People took the sound and ran with it, with the general sentiment being that Elmo had no business going as hard as he did.
Kevin Clash:

Kevin Jeffrey Clash is an American puppeteer, director and producer. He performed and voiced Elmo on Sesame Street from 1984 to 2012 with the absolute fury of a child who can acknowledge what’s plainly in front of them.
He also performed puppets for Labyrinth, Dinosaurs, Oobi, and various Muppet productions.
Who is Rocco or Rocko?
Rocco (also known as Rocko) is Zoe’s pet rock. In the show, Rocco is literally just a rock that Zoe totes around with her.
It’s not a rock-inspired puppet. It’s not a real pet named Rocco. It’s a normal grey rock.
The stone first appeared on air in 1999 in an episode called “Zoe’s pet rock, Rocco” and Elmo has not known peace since.
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Elmo is right about Rocco and it’s time we acknowledge that – Tweeter Users:
One Tweeter user Helio Carrasco said,
“Elmo ended him when he said ‘Rocco shouldn’t talk with his mouth full’ at the end of this segment,”
Another user wonders,
“Bro no why does she keep fighting with Elmo”
The third user said,
This is about to have me start watching Sesame Street again.
How about we split the difference and say: We’re all pretty fed up with everything right now, and Elmo is the perfect red vessel for our frustrations.
It’s like most viral things: one viral moment inspired folks to dig for more. Over time, the context flattens and Elmo is viral.