Doc Rivers likes has just been implicated in a sc@ndal that could have been prevented, according to the strategy used at the beginning of the season.

Internet users feasted by sending their funniest jokes after realising that all of his most recent likes on Twitter were rated “-1.8.”

Doc Rivers draws attention for inappropriate Twitter likes: Doc Rivers didn’t know his likes were public on Twitter

Not all users are aware that « likes » on Twitter are public, and anyone may monitor them for ages. hours and hours to find compromising files. This is especially true for users who use the service sparingly. Unfortunately for Sixers coach Doc Rivers, it didn’t take long for him to start feeling startled again.

At first glance, Doc Rivers doesn’t seem to be very active on social media; since the start of the summer, he has only retweeted five things, including heartfelt odes to Bill Russell.

On the other side, his “likes” section reveals that the 2008 winner is on Twitter much more frequently than it appears, though for mysterious reasons. The majority of the publications that people prefer are, in fact, p0rn*0graphic periodicals.

The movies in question are explicit, so it’s impossible for us to even provide you with the tiniest glimpse, but the least we can tell is that there was food and drink available, along with couples, “lonely” videos, trans people, etc.

In response to the incident, the Sixers coach raced to remove everything, but fans on the Internet had already had time to post their funniest jokes.


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